Sunset Mountain Painting |
Photo reference for Sunset Mountain |
This the the "Sunset Mountain" Painting- 8"x 12". This painting was made to be a donation for a worthy cause championed by my collectors Katherine and Christopher Berman (of ESPN TV). Every year they host a benefit dinner and auction for Literacy Volunteers of Greater Waterbury (CT). This program helps people of all ages learn to read. Reading happens to be one of my favorite past times and I cannot imagine not being able to read so I agreed to make this donation painting. It looks so clean and simple when I look at it. This was another challenging piece that required three studies before I got it right. I kept on editing, removing colors and forms. I even made several adjustments on the final painting- which rarely ever happens. I was happy to hear that a dear friend of Katherine's bought this painting. I knew Karen had been wanting a smaller piece of mine and so she got her wish!
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